VersaLink Drivers

VersaLink USB vehicle interfaces are only sold to VersaTuner Professional subscribers. If you have a personal VersaTuner license, please see the website of your vehicle interface manufacturer for the latest drivers.

You can download the drivers for your VersaLink USB vehicle interface below. There are three types of VersaLink interfaces, please check which one you have to download the correct set of drivers.

Current (3rd generation)

  • - Based on DrewTech Mongoose-Plus CAN/ISO 3
  • - Product name on the label is "MG-Plus ISO/CAN3"
  • - Opaque blue housing with screw-on USB connector

Previous (2nd generation)

  • - Based on DrewTech Mongoose Pro CAN/ISO 2
  • - Product name on the label is "MG Pro ISO/CAN2"
  • - Semi-translucent dark blue housing

Previous (1st generation)

  • - Based on DrewTech Mongoose Pro CAN/ISO
  • - Product name on the label is "MongoosePro ISO"
  • - Opaque blue housing

OBDLink SX/EX Drivers

Usually the drivers are automatically installed when you plug the OBDLink SX or OBDLink EX cable into a USB port on your computer. If you are having issues or need to install the drivers manually, please use the link below:

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